My life is still in hectic mode! Just bought a new house, so I've been packing and moving for the second time, but hopefully the last time. The process is a BEAR! But during that time I did manage to get some reading in.
The time that I did find to read I chose to spend my time with M. Skye and Jenika Snow. These two ladies are both home run hitters in the world of erotica/romance writing, but they each have a different style that will be sure to cure what ever is ailing you. Sometimes you want it slow and languid with an intense build, sometimes you want it quick, hot, and dirty. That's what these ladies will give you.
First let's start with slow, languid, and intense, that would be M.Skye. I read From Main Chick to Mistress. I don't do spoilers, but I will tell you that in true M. Skye form this is a full length read. The story is on point! I can tell you this, it's a fully flushed out story with characters that you will fall in love with and root for. There is loads of hot and steamy Good Good, as well a several plot twists that honestly, you just won't see coming.
After her husband of fifteen years dumped her, Elizabeth Pearson decided the best revenge would be to become the very thing she despised most a mistress…
Embarking on a racy affair with her ex-husband, Cedric, Liz gets the best of both worlds, while sticking it to him and his new bride, Felicia. Having the most fun and the best sex life she has ever had, Elizabeth soon discovers divorce may have been the best thing that ever happened to her.
With new players in the mix, and love and money on the line, Elizabeth has to decide if she wants Cedric, or if he’s just a loose end to tie in her quest for revenge.
I also recommend A Kiss Before Lying 1 and 2.
Dear M. Skye, I really, REALLY hope that there will be some sort of sequel or follow-up to this book! Loved it!