Friday, November 10, 2017

Bonus Stories, The Death Nell For A Book (My Rant to Romance Publishers)

*I actually started this post quite some time ago, but I wasn't able to finish it then, and I', just getting aback around to it. The thought is just as relevant today as it was then, so I decided to get back into it*

I don't even know where to begin with this post. I am so disgusted right now! For the last 4 days, I've been trying to find a good steamy romance to sink my teeth into, but my search had been a BUST! Usually my Kindle App will do it's shuffle thing and produce a selection that yields at least one book that's appealing. I've stumbled across so many great authors through random searches that never in my wildest dreams would I think that I would come across one the worst books that I've ever tried to read. I try to live by the motto, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Which is why, I won't publish the name of this particular book. Truth be told, this isn't the first time this has happened to be, this is just the first time that I decided to vent about it.

So here's how it went. I did the Kindle Shuffle, and I see a book that I think looks pretty good, it was free with my Kindle Unlimited subscription, so what the heck. (The cover art was suspect...I should have known!) Anyway, I get the book and start took me 20 minutes to read the title story just to find out that the 90% of the book was comprised of some of the THE MOST TERRIBLE bonus stories that I have every read! There were like 30 of them!.... If I had paid money for this book, I would have had to call Amazon Customer Service and ask for my money back!


Part of me gets it. Publishers are trying to take a bunch of really short works and pack them in behind the title story, hoping that if you read them, you'll like them and purchase more stories from the author. This might work if it's one or two novellas tucked in after the main story, but if there's more that that, I guarantee you they're going to SUCK!

I don't begrudge any writer from trying to get their stories published, but DAMN, can publishers please put a warning label on these books and say, "Beware going forward! Reading this book bay cause you to want to slap somebody."


So publishers, if any of you happen to read this, please for the love of Almighty God stop this practice. We just really, really great reads, long, short, it doesn't matter as long as their good. Thank you for your time.

And thank all of you for listening to my rant. This will be the last one for a while, I promise *fingers crossed behind my back*

Much Love,


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